How to overcome art block with 6 hacks that work

If you're not feeling motivated to create anything, it's a sign of creative art block. For the past 3 years, I’ve been creating 3-5 hours a day, 5 days a week and I’m going to share with you the strategies that have worked for me.

Art block is a common problem for artists of all levels, and it can be frustrating when you're feeling like you can't create anything. But there are a few things you can do to prevent art block and keep your creativity flowing.

I started overcoming art block when I started being honest with myself.

1. Be honest with yourself

I had to be honest with myself about what I was inspired to do. People will always tell you what you should create next, but is it something you are excited to do? I’ve made the mistake of only drawing what other people want me to draw and it killed my creative soul. I ended up taking a break from art altogether for two years because I got burned out. It wasn’t fun anymore. It had become a chore. Bunt now, I have drawn consistently 5 days a week for the past 3 years, because I’m honest with myself. I will only draw or paint what I’m truly inspired to do. When people make suggestions, I’ll them down, and if one of them really excites me, I’ll do it! There’s just not enough time to draw every idea and request people have, so you have to be selective. I was drawing a Rubik’s cube melting, when a friend suggested I draw pancakes under the melted Rubik’s cube so that the Rubik’s cube looks like butter melting on the hot pancakes. I was excited to do it, so I did!

2. Go to your local art store

like Michael’s or Hobby Lobby and just look at all the art supplies.  Ring around all those sketchbooks  and art supplies will jumpstart your creativity as you imagining what you would do with a new sketchbook and art supplies.

3. Make inspiration photo albums on your phone.

I’m always looking for things I could draw or paint. Some common sources I get inspiration from is, photo’s from news articles and other artists I follow.

4. Join an art community

I’m a little biased but the Pencil Shark Fam is an awesome art community. We share ideas, encourage and support each other. We currently meet on TikTok live Monday through Friday at 9pm MST. You are welcome to join us. You can also join the Pencil Shark community on discord.

5. Watch art tutorials from artists who are creating art that you want to make.

Just spending some time watching other artists create, makes me excited to try what they’re doing. Think of art block as a car without gas. You may want to go forward, but until you fill the car with gas you’re stuck. So, take time to stop and get inspiration!

6. Take care of your mental and physical health

Regular excoriate can help! Take care of yourself. Make sure you're getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, and exercising regularly. Taking care of your physical and mental health will help you to stay creative and to avoid art block.

If you're feeling like you're in a creative rut, don't worry - you're not alone. Art block is a common problem for artists of all levels. I believe you can overcome art block and start attacking the blank page making amazing art in no time.

Is there anything that has helped you overcome art block? I enjoy reading your comments.


